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viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Mobility in ports (1): container terminals

Versión en español
Port of Barcelona
Port of Barcelona

Productivity and safety are two fundamental factors in the processes that are being executed in commercial harbours. Productivity because they are installations which basically have to generate benefits if they function correctly, but also safety, because the harbour activities have one of the most elevated indexes of occupational accidents, which have to be corrected with tenacious occupational prevention politics. Security is also potentiated, because the ports are deposits for goods where fiscal and customs inspections are being carried out.

sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

Health and Safety at the work place

Versión en español

The health prevention at the work place has been treated widely on the legislative level. Another matter is to actually know, if the existing laws are being obeyed and if the prevention systems are being implemented correctly. However, for this purpose the inspectors, the judges and the professional ethics of the responsibles in the administration of the organizations already exist. Occupational prevention is divided in two specialities: health care and Industrial Hygiene which treat “health” from two different angles. The first one is centred in the individual person and the second one in the work place.